Wisconsin Dartball
Green Bay Dartball League
Upcoming Matches


Furkees @ Replay Sports Bar
Claws & Paws @ WIVA Oneida
Whiskey Petes @ Pete & Sons Cons. Serv.
Team George @ Laserform
Chatterhouse @ Badger State Brewing
Cheri's Place @ Red Wing Shoes
The Bar @ Cropseys
Stadium View @ Los Banditos
Packer Stadium Lounge @ Anew Lawn

View Full Schedule

League News
Season recap
created 04/28/2024 @ 5:45pm by Scott Peterson

2023-24 Season Recap

A division champs: Dallaire Realty beat Stadium View 16-5, 15-13

B division champs: Packer Stadium Lounge beat Cropseys 2-4, 7-3, 14-13 (11 innings)

C division champs: Badger State Brewing beat Laserform 5-4, 7-4

High singles: A-Mike Goetsch 284  B/C- Mark Bucher 151

High triples: A-Brian Shimanek 255  B/C-Dave Shalkhauser 125

High hits: A-Mike Goetsch 328   B/C: Greg Vaughn 185

RBI's: Brian Shimanek 322   B/C: Kyle Ferrington 107

High average: A-Mike Goetsch .620   B/C: Greg Vaughn .446

Most improved: Jarrod Jaworski (Chatterhause) .137 to ,253  +.116

Least improved: BJ VandenAvond .411 to .304  -.107

Rookie of the year: Jose Colon (Laserform) .253

18 teams, 3 divisions, 6 per division. 228 players played at least 1 week, averaged 135.7 player per week

Playoff are here!
created 03/30/2024 @ 10:52am by Scott Peterson

Playoff start April 3, 2024, here are the matchups:

A Division: Pete & Sons @ Dallaire; Staduim View at Furkees

B Division: Cropseys @ Anew Lawn; Packer Stadium Longe @ The Bar

C Division: Cock & Bull @ Laserform; WIVA @ Badger State Brewing

All matches will start at the normal 7:30pm starting time

The winners will meet in the Championship the following week on April10.

The Banquet will be April 17 at Stadium View. Dinner will be served at 7pm.

Banquet 4/26/2023
created 04/23/2023 @ 7:36pm by Scott Peterson

The Green Bay Dartball League banquet will be held Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at the Stadium View. The dinner will be at 7pm, with awards to follow.

Play-off finish:

A Division Champion: Pete & Sons

B Division Champion: Cropsey's

C Division Champion: Duke's Red Lantern

Playoff championship
created 04/14/2023 @ 7:35am by Scott Peterson

The GBDL playoff championships will be on Wednesday, April 19 at The Woods. 7:30pm start

A Division: Dallaire vs Pete & Sons

B Division: The Bar vs Cropseys

C Division: Stop 4-1 vs Duke's Red Lantern

The league banquet will be Wednesday April 26, 2023 at The Stadium View in the newly remodeled banquet hall. Dinner will be at 7pm with banquet to follow.

League meeting 2022-23 season
created 08/29/2022 @ 7:51pm by Scott Peterson

The 2022-2023 season manager's meeting will be Wednesday September 7 at the Stadium View. We will meet in the banquet hall at 7pm. A text message has been sent to all the managers.

2021-22 Season
created 10/08/2021 @ 7:40am by Scott Peterson

We have 19 teams for the 2021-22 season. One team will have a bye each week. Check schedule for your bye date.

Each team is required to have at least 7 players, but you can always play with more than that.

2020-2021 Season
created 10/24/2020 @ 7:44pm by Scott Peterson

The 2020-21 season begins October 29, 2020. We have 16 teams this year, and since Covid-19 numbers are so high in Brown County right now, the season will be run a little different this year. Every other week, 8 teams will shoot. We will shoot only within the division this year, so first the B division, then A division, alternating each week. This will allow us to space the boards out a bit more. Each team will only touch their own darts, not the other teams. There will be no used darts left for marking the boards. We recommend each team score for themselves when up to bat. Please practice social distancing from other players as much as possible. Wrist bands are available in 3 colors, that you can wear to indidcate your comfort level with other people during this pandemic. Green is ok, yellow is cautious, and red is please be very cautious. 

Stats & schedule
created 09/12/2019 @ 9:41am by Scott Peterson

Use the tabs on the right side of this page to see league stats, schedule, etc.

2019 we have 18 teams!

Green Bay Dartball League goes electronic!
created 01/05/2019 @ 6:24am by Scott Peterson

September 2018 - The Green Bay Dartball League has started using electronic tablets for all their score keeping. 

The league has purchased 9 tablets, and each match uses a tablet for scoring the games each week. All the info is then uploaded to the website after each night. The result is all the league stats and scores can be viewed on the Wisconsin Dartball website, and it is always up to date. The info is displayed to the right of this page, just click on one of the labels.>>>>>>

Week 15
created 01/15/2017 @ 7:41pm by Scott Peterson

High A Division Averages
Josh Ott .800
Brian Shimanek .714
Mitch Engels .556
Jon Rupno .526
Harry Ashley .526
John Crevcoure.524

High B Division Averages
Chris Piette .667
Kyle Servais .571
Jeff Tilot .500

A Division
Hammer Inn 9-3, Tucsons 7-5, Stadium View 7-5, Hofa Park 6-6, Pete & Sons Con 5-7

B Division
The Bar 7-5, Busters 7-5, Simonet's 6-6, George 5-7, The Watering Hole 5-7, Geurts 4-8, Anduzzi's 4-8

Week 15
created 01/15/2017 @ 7:39pm by Scott Peterson

High A Division Averages
Josh Ott .500
Brian Shimanek .714
Mitch Engels .556
Jon Rupno .526
Harry Ashley .526
John Crevcoure.524

High B Division Averages
Chris Piette .667
Kyle Servais .571
Jeff Tilot .500

A Division
Hammer Inn 9-3, Tucsons 7-5, Stadium View 7-5, Hofa Park 6-6, Pete & Sons Con 5-7

B Division
The Bar 7-5, Busters 7-5, Simonet's 6-6, George 5-7, The Watering Hole 5-7, Geurts 4-8, Anduzzi's 4-8

Week 14
created 01/15/2017 @ 7:38pm by Scott Peterson

High A Division Averages
John Crevcoure .800
Brian Shimanek .750
Dave Doden .650
Greg Kinjerski .632
Bob Cox .600
Steve Mathis .579

High B Division Averages
Paul Peterson .538
Lyle Janssen .500
Eric Rytilahti .500

A Division
Hammer Inn 7-2, Tucsons 5-4, Stadium View 5-4, Hofa Park 3-6, Pete & Sons Con 2-7

B Division
Busters 6-3, George 5-4, Simonet's 5-4, The Bar 4-5, Geurts 4-5, The Watering Hole 4-5, Anduzzis 4-5

Week 13
created 01/15/2017 @ 7:37pm by Scott Peterson

High A Division Averages
Brian Tilot .706
Joe Swagel .688
George Schmidt .667
Tom Janowski .563
Josh Ott .563
Brad Schneider .533

High B Division Averages
Paul Peterson .667
Ron Secor .636
Alex Bairel .583
Mike Gass .529
Wayne Kinjerski .500

A Division
Hammer Inn 5-1, Stadium View 4-2, Tucsons 3-3, Pete & Sons Con 2-4, Hofa Park 0-6

B Division
George 4-2, Busters 4-2, The Bar 3-3, Simonet's 3-3, Geurts 3-3, The Watering Hole 3-3

Week 12
created 01/15/2017 @ 7:34pm by Scott Peterson

Start of 2nd half

High A Division Averages
John Crevcoure .714
Tom Martell .643
Howie Schroeder .579
Scott Peterson .571
Mitch Engels .529
Karl Marquardt .526

High B Division Averages
Jeff Jacobe .643
George Motquin .583
Adam Kinjerski .571
Mike Gass .538
Mike Gerczak .500

A Division
Hammer Inn 3-0, Pete & Sons Con 2-1, Tucsons 2-1, Stadium View 1-2, Hofa Park 0-3

B Division
The Bar 2-1, George 2-1, Simonet's 2-1, Geurts 1-2, The Watering Hole 1-2, Anduzzi's 1-2

Week 11
created 01/15/2017 @ 7:32pm by Scott Peterson

High A Division Averages
Brian Shimanek .762
Jon Rupno .737
Dave Doden .667
Tom Janowski .625
Scott Peterson . 571

High B Division Averages
Adam Kinjerski .692
Jesse Janssen .636
Lyle Janssen .600

A Division
Pete & Sons Con 22-11, Tucsons 19-14, Stadium View 19-14, Hammer Inn 16-17, Hofa Park 15-18

B Division
Geurts 19-14, Watering Hole 18-15, The Bar 17-16, Simonet's 16-17, George 15-18, Anduzzi's 14-19, Busters 8-25

Week 10
created 01/15/2017 @ 7:31pm by Scott Peterson

High A Division Averages
Tom Janowski .643
Tom Martell .625
Brad Schneider .615
Bob Sandoval Jr .583
John Crevcoure .583

Scott Peterson .579
Steve Mathis .579

High B Division Averages
Kyle Servais .750
Jesse Janssen .667
Ron Schaut .636
Dewey Gerveus .545
Shivashish Roy .538
Lyle Janssen .500

A Division
Pete & Sons Con 19-11, Tucsons 17-13, Stadium View 16-14, Hammer Inn 15-15, Hofa Park 15-15

B Division
The Watering Hole 18-12, The Bar 16-14, Geurts 16-14, Simonet's 16-14, Anduzzi's 13-17, George 13-17, Busters 6-2

Week 9
created 01/15/2017 @ 7:29pm by Scott Peterson

High A Division Averages
Brian Shimanek .864
Tom Martell .647
John Crevcoure .643
Matt Zittlow .632
Josh Ott .611
Karl Marquardt .571

High B Division Averages
Lyle Janssen .600
Kyle Servais .545
Paul Brunette Jr .533

A Division
Pete & Sons Con 17-10, Tucsons 16-11, Hofa Park 15-12, Hammer Inn 14-13, Stadium View 14-13

B Division
The Watering Hole 15-12, The Bar 14-13, Simonet's 14-13, Geurts 14-13, George 12-15, Anduzzi's 12-15, Busters 5-22

Week 8
created 11/13/2016 @ 6:47pm by Scott Peterson

High A Division Averages
Tom Moore .667
Greg Kinjerski .571
Harry Ashley .571
Karl Marquardt .571
Dave Doden .533
Mitch Engels .526

High B Division Averages
Richard Klug .571
Ben Bairel .563
Jesse Janssen.538
Adam Kinjerski .533

A Division
Pete & Sons Con 14-10, Tucsons 14-10, Hammer Inn 14-10, Hofa Park 13-11, Stadium View 12-12

B Division
The Watering Hole 14-10, Simonet's 13-11, Geurts 13-11, The Bar 11-13, George 11-13, Anduzzi's 10-14, Busters 5-19

Week 7
created 11/06/2016 @ 5:52pm by Scott Peterson

High A Division Averages
Harry Ashley .643
Karl Marquardt .588
Greg Kinjerski .571
Brad Schneider .571
Dave Doden .571
Bob Sandoval Jr .538

High B Division Averages
Jeff Jacobe .583
Gary Cotrell .545
Roger Francois .545
Paul Brunette Jr .538

A Division
Pete & Sons Con 13-8, Hammer Inn 12-9, Hofa Park 12-9, Tucsons 12-9, Stadium View 11-10

B Division
The Watering Hole 12-9, Simonet's 12-9, Geurt's 10-11, George 10-11, The Bar 9-12, Anduzzi's 8-13, Busters 5-16

Week 6
created 11/06/2016 @ 5:51pm by Scott Peterson

High A Division Averages
Brian Shimanek .700
Bob Cox .688
Steve Mathis .667
Brad Schneider .600
Rick Clark .588
Dave Doden .571

High B Division Averages
Adam Kinjerski .667
Kyle Servais .636
Mike Gerczak .556'
Lance Lange .545

A Division
Pete &a Sons Con 11-7, Hofa Park 10-8, Tucsons 10-8, Stadium View 10-8, Hammer Inn 9-9

B Division
Simonet's 11-7, The Watering Hole 9-9, Geurts 9-9, The Bar 8-10, Anduzzi's 8-10, George 8-10, Busters 5-13

Week 5
created 10/24/2016 @ 7:11pm by Scott Peterson

High A Division
Brad Schneider .684
Matt Zittlow .667
Ron Janowski .650

Zac Peterson .611
Scott Peterson .571
Tom Janowski .565

High B Division
Alex Fullarton .611
Lyle Janssen .588
Chris Piette .538

A Division
Pete & Sons Con 10-5, Hofa Park 9-6, Hammer Inn 8-7, Tucsons 8-7, Stadium View 8-7

B Division
Simonet's 9-6, The Watering Hole 8-7, The Bar 7-8, Geurts 7-8, George 6-9, Anduzzi's 5-10, Busters 5-10

Week 4
created 10/24/2016 @ 7:09pm by Scott Peterson

High A Division Averages
Brian Shimanek.810
Dave Doden .692
Dam Redig .682
Rick Clark .625
Bud Hearly .615
Tom Moore .583

High B Division Averages
Lance Lange .500
Craig Honkanen .500

A Division
Pete & Sons Con 9-3, Hofa Park 8-4, Hammer Inn 7-5, Tucsons 6-6, Stadium View 6-6

B Division
Simonet's 8-4, Geurts 7-5, The Watering Hole 5-7, The Bar 5-7, George 5-7, Anduzzi's 3-9, Busters 3-9

Week 3
created 10/24/2016 @ 7:08pm by Scott Peterson

High A Division Averages
Brad Schneider .714
Josh Ott .714
Scott Peterson .714
Ralph Lange .625
Randy Janowski .625
Rick Clark .529

High B Division Averages
Adam Kinjerski .615
Mike Gass .600
Paul Peterson .538
Rodger Opperman .533
Dan Herfort .500

A Division
Hofa Park 7-2, Pete & Sons Con. 6-3, Hammer Inn 5-4, Tucsons 4-5, Stadium View 4-5

B Division
Simonet's 7-2, Geurts 5-4, The Watering Hole 4-5, The Bar 4-5, Anduzzi's 3-6, George 3-6, Busters 2-7

Week 2
created 10/24/2016 @ 7:07pm by Scott Peterson

High A Division Averages
Brian Shimanek .773
Dan Redig .739
Rick Clark .667
Bob Cox .647
Randy Janowski .533
Matt Zittlow .533

High B Division Averages
Jeff Tilot .615
Jesse Janssen .563
Bill Bos .545
Wayne Kinjerski .500
Alex Baierl .500

A Division
Hofa Park 4-2, Pete &a Sons Con. 4-2, Hammer Inn 3-3, Tucsons 3-3, Stadium View 3-3

B Division
Simonet's 5-1, Geurts 4-2, The Watering Hole 3-3, George 3-3, The Bar 2-4, Anduzzi's 2-4, Busters 0-6

Week 1
created 10/24/2016 @ 7:06pm by Scott Peterson

High A Division Averages
Brian Shimanek .750
Scott Peterson .652
Karl Marquardt .650
John Crevvoure .643
Ron Janowski .571
Steve Mathis .565

High B Division Averages
Kyle Servais .615
Adam Kinjerski .583
Paul Peterson .533
Roger Francois .500
Chris Piette .500
Ben Baierl .500