Wisconsin Dartball
Statistician News
created 3 hours ago by Chad Kuhfuss

This is a post on the new Statistician page on the Wisconsin Dartball Website (https://dartballwi.com/statistician).  I have automatically subscribed your user to this page based on being setup to sync data from the Statistician app to the website.  I would suggest if this is a league email you make sure to notify all of your users so they can register as a user and subscribe to this page so they see all the updates regarding the Statistican app.

The stat result buttons changed a bit with a recent update.  The option for what you call the 4 triangle outs on the corners of the board no longer can be set from the League and Team Properties screens.  Now any button can be customized by tapping and holding on the result button.  A dialog will appear and give you the options.  This only works for individual teams and is only stored on the device.  So if you get a new device you need to make the changes again.  For those that use the League option you cannot make these changes in the app.  Go to the website and go to the Statistician Settings page to setup the buttons for the entire league.  The changes will be sync'd to the individual devices.