Andy Bloch
Elected to the state committee in 2022.
Started playing Dartball in the Mid-State Dartball League in 2008 at 16 years old. In 2016 he
implemented the statistician position in the Mid-State Dartball League. He has been serving as the
statistician for the league since 2016. He has helped run numerous 4-man tournaments around the
central Wisconsin area. Has participated in the State Dartball Tournament since 2016. He currently
shoots with Landmark 4 (Class B) in the state tournament.
Andy works a as a Patrol Deputy for the Marathon County Sheriff’s Office and lives in Athens, WI.
Brian Shimanek
On the state committee since 2001, helps run the state tournament - Green Bay.
Shoots dartball in the Green Bay Wednesday night league since 1980 where he helps with setting up and taking down the boards every week. Started playing dartball when he was 14 years old (1980), in the Denmark, WI church league. He has participated in the state tournament every year since 1989. Won state B titles in 1997 and 1999 on the Jill's Bar team. Won Class A titles with Green Bay teams: 2005 with Bay Area Darters and Pete & Sons Construction Services, winning 2012, 13, 14, 16, 18, and 2023. Member of the 2007, 10, 16, 17, 19 and 2021 state 4-man class A champion teams. Has also won many shoot-off trophies.
Brian is a service technician for Pepsi Cola.
Chad Kuhfuss
Elected to State committee in 2018.
Currently the Web Administrator for the Wisconsin State Dartball website.
Chad has been playing dartball since he was a teenager, about 30 years ago, in the Interdenominational Dartball League in Sheboygan County. He moved to Hartford in 1994 and still drives to Sheboygan every Tuesday. In 2013 he joined the Country Dartball League, which is a lot closer to where he lives. Then in 2016 he became a sub for the Erin Inn on Wednesday nights. Dartball is truly something that he loves to do. He has also passed on his dartball passion to his two oldest sons who play with him on Tuesdays. He can see his youngest son shooting with them in the near future.
Chad has been co-captain of his Tuesday league team since 1998. He has also been the statistician for his Tuesday and Thursday teams. He has been a team captain in the state tournaments for the past 10 years and is a regular at Watertown and West Bend tournaments as well.
Chad is a Software Engineer for GE Healthcare and currently lives in Slinger, WI.
Harry Roecker
The President of the Wisconsin Dartball State Committee. Has run the state tournament in West Bend.
He has been involved in helping to run a lot of Dartball tournaments. Was on the Yahr Oil Company team that won state class A titles in 1975, 2008, 19 and 2021. Harry and his wife Lori, own and operate LR Trophy and Sportswear in Kewaskum. LR Trophies have been presented at many Dartball league banquets and state tournaments. He also makes and sells Dartball darts throught his company Boom Darts, that he runs with his son Joel. You can contact Harry at 262-626-8094.
Jerry Schulz
On the state committee since 1989, has helped run the state tournament - Watertown.
Started playing Dartball when he was 14 years old (1968) in the league he still plays in, the Kettle Moraine Lutheran Dartball League (KMLDL). He has also served as a past director and President of that league. He also shoots in the Hillcrest 4-man league, where he hit his highest average for a season of .572. Has participated in more than 40 State Dartball Tournaments, and was captain of the first ever Class B champions McProductions in 1986.
Jerry had worked as a route salesman for over 40 years.
Jim Ehnert
Elected to State committee in 2016.
Currently the Commissioner of the 20-team Country Dartball League in Washington and Waukesha Counties since 2011. Former Commissioner of The Western Suburban Dartball League in Waukesha County from 2006-2008. Currently shoots in the Thursday Country Dartball League and the Tuesday Waukesha Church League. Integrated a League-wide website in 2011. Has Co-chaired State 4-man Tournaments twice and has run numerous in-league 4-man and 9-man Tournaments. Assisted in running State tournament in Milwaukee- 2016. Shooting Dartball since 1991, has shot with teams all over the area in League and Tournament play and has shot State Tournaments for a number of years. Member of Western Suburban Championship team in 2006, Country Dartball League Championship team in 2016 and Runner-up Country Dartball League team in 2013. Highest average was .460 in 2008 and held League RBI crown in 2013. Jim enjoys setting up boards and volunteering time at Senior Centers to \"keep the game alive\" for retired shooters. Has also introduced game to companies and organizations for \"Team Building\" exercises. Also would like to integrate \"Junior Dartball\" into area Tournaments in hopes of growing the game.
Jim is the General Manager of Wanaki Golf Course, an 18-hole facility with an indoor golf center in Menomonee Falls.
Kevin Kiesow
Vice President of the State Committee. Elected to the State Committee in 2005. Helps run the state tournament - Oshkosh.
Started shooting Dartball when he was 11 years old (1984). He shoots dartball in the Sacred Heart Friday night league and is the league president. His highest league average was .548 in 1997-98 league play. He helped bring the State tournament to Oshkosh in 2006, then also in 2013, 2019, and again will in 2025. He has shot in the state tournament since 1989, and was on 7 state champions: Castaway (A - 1990), Pete & Sons (A - 2012-2014, 2016, 2018, and 2023).
Kevin is the Right of Way Permits Coordinator for the City of Oshkosh Engineering Division.
Kevin Kohlbeck
On the state committee since 1999, currently serving as committee treasurer.
Started playing dartball when he was 14 years old (1974). He has played Dartball in both the Tuesday and Wednesday Green Bay Leagues. Kevin was a member of the original group from Green Bay that started going to the state tournament in 1985. He was on the 1997 and 1999 Jill's Bar team from Green Bay that won class B titles. In 2005, he was the lead-off batter for the Bay Area team that won Green Bay's first ever class A title. Kevin helped bring the annual Amvets tournament to Green Bay in 2008. Kevin also runs an annual tournament of the Green Bay league teams in honor of his Father, Al Kohlbeck. The tournament raises money that is donated to many Green Bay area charities. Kevin retired from a sales career in 2023.
Kyle Walters
Elected to the state committee in 2022.
Started playing dartball when he was 15 years old. He shoots for the Wednesday night Mid-State
Dartball League, mainly located in Athens, WI. He has been shooting in the state tournament since
2011. Kyle won the class A state title in 2022 with Landmark 1.
Kyle is a Mechanical Designer for A&B Process Systems in Stratford, WI.
Scott Peterson
On the state committee since 1999. He also serves as the state secretary on the committee. He led a group that brought the state tournament to Green Bay for the first time ever in 2003 and now returns to Green Bay on a regular basis.
Started playing dartball when he was 14 years old (1981), in the Denmark, WI church league. Shoots in the Green Bay Wednesday night league, serving as league President since 1997 and also as league treasurer. For many years has been a team captain for his league teams. In 1985, Scott and best friend Stacey Seering decided to try competing in the State Tournament, even though many of the fellow league players thought they had no chance to compete. The team returned with trophies, and they have been going to state every year since.
Was captain of the 1997 & 1999 Jill's Bar team that won class B state titles. In 2005, formed the Bay Area team that won the first ever Class A Championship for a Green Bay team.
Captain/sponsor of the Pete & Sons Construction Services team, state A champions in 2012,13,14,16,18 and 2023. Member of the 2007, 10, 16, 17, 19 and 2021 state 4-man A championship teams. Scott owns Pete & Sons Construction Services. You can contact him at: widartballrulz@yahoo.com.
Todd Halverson
Elected to the state committee in 2003. Former state committee member, Jerry Mathwig, brought me to a committee meeting, was nominated and have been happy to serve. We have a great group on the commitee who are all committed to help grow the game of dartball.
Started playing dartball when I was 19 years old in 1982. I started playing dartball in 1982 with the Beautiful Savior Lutheran team in the Waukesha-Kettle Moraine Church Dartball League on Tuesdays. Hall of Famer, Cliff Mengert, invited me to play dartball with our church team. I still play with my church team going into my 43 season and have managed our team for many years. Over the years, I have held various office positions for this league. Since 2011, I joined the Whiskey Corners and now The Turn Bar & Grill dartball team on Thursdays in the Country Dartball League. Kids are grown and out of the house so it was time to join another league. I like the game so much that I joined the Wednesday Rural Dartball league in 2021 with Flynns Bar #1. I don't take this game too serious. It's about getting together with your friends and having fun. Love the game. It's like my golf game. One week, I'll be lights out and the next week can't hit the broadside of the barn. That's dartball!
My highest average was .510 and probably a lifetime .425 shooter. I have played in 15 state tournaments since 1998. Best finish in the 9 person state tourney was 2018 with Whiskey Corners with a 2nd place Class B Consolation. Best finish in the 4 person state tourney was with our Jump Around team with a Class B 4th place in 2017 - Class B 1st place consolation in 2018 - Class A 3rd place consolation in 2021 and Class B 2nd place in 2023 with team Norski Uff Da's.
I have helped or assisted with setting up and running local and state tournaments. I assist with being a resource for local leagues in Waukesha and Washington County for info, darts, dartball boards, stands and lights. When not playing dartball, been happliy married for 35 years, two grown boys, first grand baby on the way and help assist managing a 9 hole golf course in Waukesha. Take care and "Check that one!"
Travis Logslett
Elected to the State Committee in 2013, president of the Eau Claire Commerical League since 2013, webmaster of the league web site, and is the director of the state tournament in Eau Claire.
Travis began playing dartball when he was nine subbing in two person summer league with his Dad, Dale. In 1993 at the age of 13, he starting playing full time in the Eau Claire Commerical League and still plays there currently. Travis has hit better than .500 since 2003 including hitting over .600 five times. His highest league average was .627 in 2009. Travis has won numerous individual league awards for most singles and highest average. He has won a handful of state awards in the round robin shootoff and the traditional shootoff. He has 5 league championship titles, 8 Northern Wisconsin Tournament titles, and a Class B state championship with TNT Roofing in 2004. Travis has been a avid supporter of dartball. In 2012 he began the league's first web site to help promote dartball in the Eau Claire community and record Eau Claire's long, rich dartball history. Travis runs many local tournaments throughout the year.
Travis works as an elementary school principal and lives in Chippewa Falls, WI with is wife Tracey and their two kids Lucas and Lauren.