Wisconsin Dartball
Golden Lion TUE
Upcoming Matches


Here for the Busch @ Achy Breaky Darts
Dilly Dilly @ Pour Me A Double
Team Name Here @ The Prince-Asses
Cabana Boys @ Ultimate Warriors

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League News
Welcome to 2024/25 Tuesday Season!
created 08/30/2024 @ 9:34am by ajmiklaszewski

All shooters will owe $25 the first time they shoot, this will cover the fees for the 2024/25 season.  After that it will be the normal $8-10 weekly fee.

Winning team of each half will get $100 Bar Tab

Free shot on home runs! Let bar know

Leagues will be handicapped up to +3, "score one to get one"

Play 2 7-inning games; no Extra Innings!

Send up an umpire for the opponents AB's

Women may throw from 18 ft. if they are under .300 average

Throwing a dart after your AB will result in a $5 fine towards the party fund!!!

Week 1
created 09/12/2023 @ 6:54pm by ajmiklaszewski

All shooters will owe $25 the first time they shoot, this will cover the fees for the 2023/24 season.  After that it will be the normal $8-10 weekly fee.

Winning team of each half will get $100 Bar Tab

Free shot on home runs! Let bar know

Leagues will be handicapped up to +3, "score one to get one"

Play 3 6-inning games; shoot 7th only if tied

Send up an umpire for the opponents AB's

Women may throw from 18 ft. if they are under .300 average

Throwing a dart after your AB will result in a $5 fine towards the party fund!!!