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1963 Holmgren Way
Green Bay, WI 54304
Tournament Update: Wisconsin Classic State 4-Player Championship 2020 2021
created 12/21/2020 @ 2:30pm by Chad Kuhfuss
2020 State 4-Player POSTPONED
created 11/22/2020 @ 5:42am by jimehnert
The State 4-Player originally scheduled for December 5, 2020 at The Sterling Chalet in Richfield has been postponed. We will attempt to reschedule the Tournament for a February or March date in 2021. With the current Covid situation and the increasing restrictions being ordered for the State of Wisconsin, the State Dartball Committee has decided to postpone the December event in hopes that a February or March event will work better for the Dartball community as a whole. A new date will be released in late December to early January. All registrations received will be held as "reserved" until a rescheduled date has been determined. All checks received with registrations have not been cashed. If you have paid via Paypal and would like the money returned please let me know. Although we all want to shoot, this decision is the most responsible one for Wisconsin State Dartball. If you have any comments or questions, please contact us via email.
Jim Ehnert jimehnert@yahoo.com Todd Halverson trh1981a@gmail.com