Just a reminder 1 week left to respond if available to play October 3-4 at HoChunk. Please contact Harry Roecker.

Oneida Casino
2020 Airport Dr
Green Bay, WI 54313
Last Reminder: 2020 State Tournament
created 04/13/2020 @ 7:48am by Chad Kuhfuss
Just a reminder 1 week left to respond if available to play October 3-4 at HoChunk. Please contact Harry Roecker. |
Reminder: 2020 State Tournament
created 04/01/2020 @ 9:06pm by Chad Kuhfuss
Dear State Dartball Tournament Captains: We have had a great start for the tournament to be held October 3-4. Do not forget to e-mail Harry Roecker weather or not your team is going to play. Thanks Harry Roecker |
2020 State Tournament Update
created 03/24/2020 @ 6:40pm by Chad Kuhfuss
Dear State Dartball Tournament Captains: Due to the unforeseen circumstances of the COVID-19 virus we postponed our 2020 State Dartball Tournament. Our current plan is to reschedule this fall. After discussing with Ho-Chunk, their available date is October 3-4, 2020. In order to book an event of this size, the committee will need to know how many teams will participate in the tournament. We have to know by April 20th, 2020. If we do not draw enough teams to meet certain stipulations set forth by the Ho-Chunk Hotel & Conference Center, we would be forced to cancel this year's tournament and wait until next year. If you entered and paid for the March 2020 tournament, your entry money will be put towards the fall tournament. Any new team can also enter with payment. Please send an email to Harry Roecker at lrtrophy@gmail.com to let us know if you plan to enter a team for the October 3 & 4, 2020 state tournament. Please include your team name, captain's name and phone number. We will use the entry you have previously submitted, but changes will be allowed to your roster if necessary. Please list subject of email as "State Dartball 2020". Thank you, Wisconsin State Dartball Committee |