Green Bay 9 player tourney 3rd of the World Series of Dartball 2 2025
Tournament Summary
Stat |
Value |
4 |
Matches Played
10 |
Matches with 3 Games Played
2 |
Games Played
16 |
Extra Inning Games Played
1 |
Most Innings Played 1 Game
10 |
Total Hits
747 |
Total Runs
478 |
Most Runs Scored
28 |
Most Runs Scored in Inning
13 |
Average Win Differential
6.88 |
Winning Team Avg Runs
18.38 |
Losing Team Avg Runs
11.5 |
Close Games (= 1)
3 |
Blowout Games (>= 10)
6 |
3 |
Stat |
Player Name |
Value |
High Hits
Bryan Kempf |
8 |
Steve Muench |
8 |
High RBIs
Steve Muench |
8 |
High Singles
Bryan Kempf |
7 |
High Triples
Brian Shimanek |
5 |
Steve Muench |
5 |
Stat |
Player Name |
Value |
High Hits
Joe Topper |
12 |
High RBIs
Adam Olson |
9 |
Josh Ott |
9 |
Terry Albrecht |
9 |
High Singles
Lowell Topper |
10 |
High Triples
Brian Shimanek |
8 |
Stat |
Player Name |
Value |
High Average
Yahr Oil Company |
.540 |
Pete & Sons Construction Services |
.493 |
T2 Lawncare llc |
.476 |
Neumann Plumbing & Heating |
.461 |
High Runs/Game
Yahr Oil Company |
21.6 |
Pete & Sons Construction Services |
17.0 |
T2 Lawncare llc |
15.8 |
Neumann Plumbing & Heating |
14.6 |
Stat |
Player Name |
Value |
High Average
Randy Stauffer |
.689 |
Mike Yahr |
.657 |
Al Brandenberg |
.625 |
Bryan Kempf |
.614 |
Brad Schneider |
.605 |
High Hits
Adam Olson |
31 |
Randy Stauffer |
31 |
Al Brandenberg |
30 |
Terry Albrecht |
29 |
Joe Topper |
28 |
High RBIs
Randy Stauffer |
30 |
Terry Albrecht |
26 |
Steve Muench |
23 |
Dan Redig |
22 |
Josh Ott |
21 |
High Singles
Adam Olson |
23 |
Al Brandenberg |
23 |
Mike Goetsch |
21 |
Bryan Kempf |
20 |
Dan Redig |
19 |
Joe Topper |
19 |
High Triples
Brian Shimanek |
22 |
Terry Albrecht |
17 |
Randy Stauffer |
15 |
Brad Schneider |
12 |
Jason Pieper |
11 |
Kyle Wathke |
11 |
Bob Yahr |
11 |