Wisconsin Dartball
Loopy’s 2
Team Advanced Statistics
Game Stats
Wins/Losses 27-27
Extra Inning Games 1-3
Runs per Game 5.0
Most Hits 18
Most Runs 13
Match Stats
Most Hits 42
Most Runs 25
Fewest Hits 14
Fewest Runs 6
Inning Stats
Most Hits 8
Most Runs 6
Consecutive with Hit 14
Consecutive with Run 7
Consecutive without Hit 6
Consecutive without Run 15
Win/Loss Stats
Largest Win Margin 10
Largest Loss Margin 12
Consecutive Wins 8
Consecutive Losses 3
Average Win Differential 3.4
Average Loss Differential 2.8
Player Game Hit Streak Game Hitless Streak AB Hit Streak AB Hitless Streak Most Hits Game Most RBIs Game Most Hits Night Most RBIs Night
Ron Peterson 15 2 7 11 5 3 8 5
Ted Klaver 8 3 3 16 3 2 7 5
Paul Dura 18 1 4 8 4 2 7 3
Taco Rick Dura 26 2 6 7 6 4 11 7
Tony Dura 25 1 9 10 6 5 11 9
Jason Woda 6 3 4 12 3 3 4 3
Todd Stehle 8 1 4 6 4 4 6 7
Diana Borowski 7 3 3 16 3 4 6 4
Sarah Borkovec 7 2 4 11 3 2 5 3
Kaden Klaver 3 0 2 4 2 1 4 3