Playoffs are here.........
created 03/07/2025 @ 3:46pm by zipcm19
Congrats to Dopp's #2 for clinching 3rd place & earning the right to play at Dopp's next week Thursday, March 13th............ So the match ups are set - DA BAR will play at DOPP'S #2 and DOPP'S #1 will play at GRAINGERS but DOPP'S #1 will be the home team............ ON THE EDGE & KARMA will have a BYE next week......... You will still play for the beer tab.......... Also no player can shoot twice during the Playoffs - you can have 6 players & 1 AUTO OUT or you can have 5 players & 2 AUTO OUTS - if you have 4 or less players then you will forefit your match...........
As a reminder the Banquet is at DA BAR this year & even though the schedule says it is on April 24th, I have moved it to April 17th - so please make a note of that........ also remember to bring a bottle of booze to donate to our raffle.........
Final week.......
created 02/28/2025 @ 6:57pm by zipcm19
Congrats to ON THE EDGE for clinching the #1 seed & congrats to KARMA for clinching the #2 seed - they both will get a BYE in the 1st Round of the Playoffs on March 13th.......... as of now - GRAINGERS are locked into the 5th seed & DA BAR is locked into the 6th seed - so the only thing left to decide is the 3rd & 4th seed...... DOPP'S #1 & DOPP'S #2 are tied in the Standings for 3rd place, if they end up having the same record after next week, then DOPP'S #1 will get the #3 seed based on the tie breaker of having a better head to head record against DOPP'S #2............ So the match ups for March 13th could be DA BAR @ DOPP'S #1 & DOPP'S #2 @ GRAINGERS (with DOPP'S #2 as the Home team) or DA BAR @ DOPP'S #2 & DOPP'S #1 @ GRAINGERS (with DOPP'S #1 as the Home team)........ we will have to wait until after next week Thursday for the actual matchups..........
Stretch run.............
created 02/24/2025 @ 2:29pm by zipcm19
Congrats to the ON THE EDGE team for clinching at BYE in the 1st round of the playoffs......... with only 2 weeks remaining, they can clinch the number 1 seed by winning 1 more game......... I want to give you guys a heads up of what may happen with our league next season - I have heard that one bar may get sold & the team may drop out, I have also heard a team may split up & the orginal team may not return, & I have heard one team may drop out next season cuz they can't get enough players to show up every week........ So my choices are these - we will still have a league IF we have 6 to 8 teams, I could try (again) to maybe merge with the other Thursday night league, but I won't hold my breath.... If we only have 5 or less teams next season, then I will fold the league - I think it would just be a waste of time if we don't have at least 6 teams.......... My other idea is to have 4 or 5 boards at one location (possibly Root River Lanes) & have a 4 man (plus a sub) league with no beer involvement........ I will try my best to keep the league going, but I may need some help & more of a commitment from all the other teams & players for this to happen.......... I will be in touch throughout these next few weeks with more playoff info.........
No Dartball tonite
created 12/05/2024 @ 9:14am by zipcm19
Just another friendly reminder that there is no dartball tonight so we can enjoy the Packers/Lions game with out any distractions...... We will pick up the regular season next week Thursday (December 12th).......... GO PACK GO!!
Lucky 7 news.........
created 11/16/2024 @ 1:25pm by zipcm19
Thanksgiving is just around the corner which means all player fees & sponsor fees are now due - you can give me the fees the next time your team plays my team.......... After this Thursday, we will have 2 weeks off for the holiday & then the Packers game the following week (December 5th) - we will start up again on December 12th............ As per Rule 3d - if you add a new player(s) AFTER Thanksgiving but before December 31st, the new player(s) must have at least 60 at bats in the Regular Season to be able to participate in the Playoffs....... any player added after January 1st will NOT be able to participate in the Playoffs - all Rosters will be frozen after January 15th ......... so make sure yopur roster is set with new players before January 15th.............. Remember that all new players will have to pay the $10 League players fee.............
Sad news.........
created 09/30/2024 @ 12:29pm by zipcm19
The Dartball Community lost a fellow dartballer - Bob Lewis passed away - a very decent person who enjoyed playing sports & coaching sports - he played dartball for many years - most recently with the Grainger's team in our league - he really enjoyed playing dartball with his daughters Casey, Megan, & Taylor....... I first met Bob when he was a parking lot attendant at (then called) Miller Park - he would stop by our tailgate on his bike & we would give him a brat or a hamburger or whatever we would be grilling out at the time & he would tell us we had about 10 minutes to start packing up - but then would give us a wink that menat he was giving us an extra ten minutes......... Bob will be greatly missed........
Captain's meeting.........
created 09/12/2024 @ 8:41am by zipcm19
Our Lucky 7 Dartball League Captain's meeting will be held next week Thursday, September 19th, at Dopp's Bar starting at 7 PM....... basically it will consist of me giving you copies of the schedule & the Rules & a Roster sheet......... We will discuss any questions or concerns you may have......... the only rule change is the start time for when we will to begin throwing darts - 7 PM instead of 7:30 PM......... Make sure someone from each team is represented at the meeting.......
League news......
created 08/23/2024 @ 11:12am by zipcm19
Our Lucky 7 League Regular Season will begin on Thursday, October 3rd - as a reminder, we will begin play at 7 PM instead of 7:30 PM......... Mike (Obie) Obluck has volunteered to be the Co-Commissioner........... The Captain's meeting will be held at Dopp's Bar on Thuirsday, September 19th starting at 7 PM........ We will only have 6 teams again this year - the otther team that was suppose to play at On the Edge has fallen through & the team (or 2) that was going to play at Daniel's Palace has also fallen through (he has pool & electronic dart leagues going ion that night)........... Da Bar is still in the league & I have heard they are replacing all the beer lines so there should not be an issue with tap beer there this season.......... I have scheduled a League wide off week for December 5th since the Packers are playing that night & we won't need to stress out about it............... The banquet this year will be at Da Bar.......... Hope to see all the Captains on the 19th..........
New Season update...........
created 08/01/2024 @ 12:10pm by zipcm19
With Football Season just around the corner means we are also getting ready for Dartball Season......... The biggest change this year is we are starting at 7 PM instead of 7:30 PM - hopefully everyone will remember that......... Da Bar is apparently staying put & will NOT be looking for a new place........ The 2nd team that was supposed to play at On the Edge has fallen through, so we are currently still at 6 teams............ I reached out to the owner of DANIELS PALACE on Highway 100 & Beloit Road to see if they were interested in putting a team (or 2) together & join our league - he said he would work on it & let me know......... I would like to start the league on October 3rd........... I will be in touch throughout the next month & a half with more updates........
Final thoughts........
created 04/22/2024 @ 5:36pm by zipcm19
I hope everyone had enuff to eat & drink at the banquet - plus I hope you had some fun too - at least everyone got a prize from the raffle (thanks to Tammy)....... I did send out an email to all the captains with details of where all the money went to that I collected from the league......... In case you did not hear - we are going to start Dartball at 7 PM instead of 7:30 PM next season....... also the team from Da Bar is going to find a new home........ I have been told that another team will be forming at On the Edge, so we will be at 7 teams - I will try to find an 8th team, but if anyone knows of anyone that would be interested in putting a team into a Dartball league, then have them get a hold of me........... Have a great Summer & a good off season and I will see you all in the Fall!
Banquet tomorrow night
created 04/10/2024 @ 12:01pm by zipcm19
Just another friendly reminder that our end of the season banquet is at Dopp's tomorrow night (Thursday, April 11th) - the bar tab will begin at 6 PM & dinner will start at 6:30 PM ........... the raffle will follow dinner, so please remember to bring a donated bottle of booze from your sponsor to put into the raffle........ The bar tab will only consist of pitchers of beer - if you want soda or a mixed drink then you will have to purchase that yourself - I am doing this because last year we went over the bar tab by $100 & I don't want to have that happen again, I can only stretch the league $ so far............Hope to see most of you on Thursday night..........
Karma is the Champs!
created 03/22/2024 @ 7:18am by zipcm19
Congrats to team Karma for winning this season's Championship by defeating the defending champs, Dopp's 2, in 2 straight games......... the season has come to a close & I hope everyone will return for next season - I am going to try to add 2 more teams to the league next season, so if anyone is going to put together a team, let me know - so far I know On the Edge is going to add another team next season, so I would like to get an 8th team to make it an even amount & avoid any BYE weeks........... As a reminder, our after season Banquet is in about 3 weeks, Thursday April 11th, at Dopp's - bar tab will begin around 6 PM & we will serve dinner around 6:30 PM with the raffle to follow dinner..... please make sure to bring a donated bottle of booze from your bar sponsor to add to the raffle prizes........... I will keep in touch with reminders about the banquet during these next few weeks............ See you all at Dopp's on April 11th.......
created 03/15/2024 @ 2:13pm by zipcm19
Congrats to Karma & the defending League champs, Dopp's 2, for advancing to this season's Championship match........ Both matches went 3 games again......... Dopp's 2 will try to repeat as champs next week Thursday, March 21st, as they travel to Camp Karma Bar to close out the 2023-2024 Lucky 7 Dartball League year............ as a reminder - the League Banquet is April 11th at Dopp's Bar & Grill - make sure to bring a donated bottle of booze from your sponsor for the raffle............ Good luck to Dopp's 2 & to Karma next week Thursday.........
2nd Round
created 03/08/2024 @ 7:48am by zipcm19
Congrats to Dopp's 1 & Dopp's 2 for moving on to the 2nd Round of the Playoffs........... Both matches last night were very exciting - both matches went 3 games & the final game in each match was decided by 1 run............ The matchups for next week Thursday, March 14th, is Dopp's 1 will play at Karma and Dopp's 2 will play at On the Edge........ the winners from the 2nd Round will play for the Championship on March 21st at the bar with the better overall record.... Good luck to the Final 4 playoff teams...........
Playoffs are here!
created 03/01/2024 @ 9:01am by zipcm19
Congrats to Karma for securing 2nd place & earning a BYE in the 1st round of the Playoffs - they join On the Edge (#1 seed) on NOT having to play next week Thursday - the following are the match ups for March 7th - Graingers (#6 seed) will play at Dopp's 1 (#3 seed) and Dopp's 2 (#4 seed) will play at Da Bar (#5 seed) - since Dopp's 1 & Dopp's 2 both earned a home game for the Playoffs, Dopp's 2 will have to travel to Da Bar because both teams can not play at Dopp's at the same time, but Dopp's 2 will be the home team & bat last the 1st & 3rd games (if necessary) - Dopp's 1 had the better record then Dopp's 2 so that is why they get to use the bar......
You still will play for beer during all Playoff matches....... As a reminder you MUST have at least 7 players to start a game - no player can bat twice during the Playoffs - if you have only 6 players, then you will take an AUTO OUT, if you have only 5 players then you will take 2 AUTO OUTS (but not back to back)..... If you have 4 or less players then you will have to forefit the match......
The 2nd Round of the playoffs (March 14th) will be determined on how the 1st Round went - the lowest remaining seed will travel to On the Edge & the highest remaining seed will travel to Karma....... Good luck to everyone during the Playoffs.....
1 week remaining.....
created 02/23/2024 @ 7:03am by zipcm19
We are nearing the end of our Regular Season & congrats to On the Edge for clinching the number 1 seed & earning a BYE in the 1st round of the Playoffs - the Playoffs begin on March 7th (hopefully we do not have a snow storm on Feb. 29th) - as of now Dopp's 1 & Karma are tied for 2nd place & their Head to Head matches are also tied at 6 to 6, so the next tie breaker is Average Runs per Game & Karma has the edge over Dopp's.... whomever takes 2nd place will also earn a BYE in the 1st Round of the Playoffs........... Dopp's 2 has 4th place secured while Da Bar is in 5th place by 1 game over Graingers...... In the case of Dopp's 1 & Dopp's 2 getting home games in the 1st Round of the Playoffs, then Dopp's 1 will use their bar & Dopp's 2 will travel to the bar of the team they will play but still be the Home team..... We will still play for beer during all Playoff matches...... as a reminder, you MUST have at least 7 players to start a Playoff match, no person can shoot twice in the Playoffs & no new players can be added to your roster for the Playoffs - you can go down to 6 players, but you will take an AUTO out or you can go down to 5 players, but you will take 2 AUTO outs, if you have 4 or less players, then you will forefit........
Banquet is Thursday, April 11th at Dopp's - make sure to bring a donated bottle from your sponsored bar to put into the raffle......
Half way point..........
created 12/08/2023 @ 8:15am by zipcm19
Next week Thursday will mark the half way point of our season - any new players added from now up until January 15th must have at least 60 At Bats to qualify for the playoffs - no new players can be added to your roster AFTER January 15th unless it is an emergency & both teams agree to the player(s) being added......
All player fees & Sponsor fees are now due - I still need to collect player fees from Da Bar & I still need to collect Sponsor fees from Dopp's 1 & Dopp's 2 & Graingers & Da Bar....... please have these to me the next time my team plays against your team..........
Have a great Holiday Season!
New Season!
created 08/18/2023 @ 11:42am by zipcm19
Welcome back to the 2023-24 Lucky 7 Dartball season - once again we only have 6 teams, so we will play each team 4 times ( 2 at home & 2 away) for a total of 20 weeks - we will take a break on November 23rd (Thanksgiving) & December 28th (Christmas & New Years)......... We will begin league play on Thursday, October 5th & go until February 29th - the playoffs will be the following 3 weeks........... Entry fees are the same, $10 per person & $80 per sponsor - The bar tab is going up by $10 (total will be $110), so the losing team will owe $60 & the winning team will owe $50.......... If you received my email, then you know I am enforcing the NO HECKLING rule just as it is stated in the Wisconsin State Dartball Rule book - this is to prevent the situation that escalated during the playoffs at Dopp's last year - we do not want a repeat of what happened there again........ We will have a Captains meeting on Thursday, September 21st at Dopp's starting at 7 PM to discuss any questions or concerns you may have & to get your team packet with the rules & schedules inside...........
Dopp's 2 the Champs!
created 04/01/2023 @ 2:23pm by zipcm19
Congrats to Dopp's 2 for winning the championship this season in the Lucky 7 Dartball League - they got hot at the right time & took care of business during the 3 weeks of the playoffs - as a reminder, our end of the season banquet will be Thursday, April 13th at Karma (the old Happy Davez) starting at 6 PM with dinner being served at 6:30 PM & the raffle to follow dinner........... REMEMBER to bring a donated bottle of booze from your sponsor for the raffle....... Hope to see most of you on April 13th.........
created 03/24/2023 @ 6:28am by zipcm19
Congrats to Dopp's #1 & to Dopp's #2 for advancing to play in the championship match next week Thursday, March 30th - this will be 2 years in a row that 2 teams from the same bar will be playing in the Championship......... As a reminder, the banquet is April 13th at Karma (the old Happy Davez) - please bring a donated bottle of booze from your sponsored bar for the raffle at the banquet........ Good luck to both Dopp's teams!
2nd Round of the Playoffs
created 03/18/2023 @ 1:59pm by zipcm19
Congrats to On the Edge & Dopp's #2 for winning in the 1st round of the playoffs - the match ups for next Thursday, March 23rd, are as follows - Dopp's #2 @ Happy Davez and On the Edge @ Dopp's #1......... The winners will go on to the Championship match on March 30th at the bar with the better record...... Good luck to the final 4 teams........... As a reminder - You need at least 7 players to start a playoff game but no player may shoot twice during the playoffs (Rule 4a)......... If you have only 6 players then you must take an Automatic out, if you have only 5 players, then you must take 2 Automatic outs - if you have 4 or less players, then you will forefit the match.........
created 03/12/2023 @ 6:38am by zipcm19
March 16th will begin the 1st round of the playoffs - the match ups are Dar Bar @ Dopp's 2 and Graingers @ On the Edge - Happy Davez & Dopp's 1 have a BYE - the place you were in the standings is your seeding - Happy Davez (#1 seed), Dopp's 1 (#2 seed), On the Edge (#3 seed), Dopp's 2 (#4 seed), Da Bar (#5 seed), & Graingers (#6 seed).......... the winners from March 16th will play on March 23rd - the lowest remaining seed will play at Happy Davez & the highest remaining seed will play at Dopp's 1........ Good luck to all the teams playing this week...........
As a reminder - the Banquet is scheduled for April 13th at Karma (the old Happy Davez) - please remember to ask your sponsor for a donated bottle of booze for the raffle after diner............
New Season begins!
created 10/05/2022 @ 12:16pm by zipcm19
Welcome back to the 2022-2023 Lucky 7 Dartball Season! I hope you all had a great Summer - our season begins this Thursday, October 6th with darts flying at 7:30 PM with Dopp's 1 @ Dopp's 2 & Happy Davez @ Graingers & On the Edge @ Da Bar.......... Sponsor fee will once again be $80 & a one-time players fee of $10 (even if you play only 1 week) for each player on your roster........ Beer (9 pitchers for each team) is still a $100 tab ($45 paid for by the winning team & $55 paid for by the losing team) - Make sure your tablet (or device) you will be using has the 6.3 version of the Dartball App...... Good luck to all teams...........
New team switched bars......
created 08/25/2022 @ 8:17am by zipcm19
Just to let you guys know, the new team is going to play at DA BAR located on 60th Street & Burnham Ave instead of JD's Pub & Grill........ the schedule is now made out & I will be sending it to all the Captains through an email message.......... I will be in contact with the Captains for a get together (meeting) to discuss any concerns or rule changes we may need for this up coming season..........
New Season - New team
created 08/09/2022 @ 7:41am by zipcm19
Welcome back everybody - I hope you all are well & having a great Summer - we are going to have a Lucky 7 League season this year - we have had a few teams drop out, but we have a new team to fill in the void & we will not have to worry about any BYE weeks.......... The 2 teams that dropped out were Garinger's #1 & On the Edge #1......... I did try to see if we could merge with another league to try & keep people active in the Dartball Community, but I never heard back about it, so we will move on.......... We do have a new team joining the league which will be run by Scott Skoczek & will be called JD's Pub & Grill located on 63rd & Lincoln Ave............ This puts us at 6 teams, they are Dopp's 1 & 2, Happy Davez, OTE, Grainger's, & JD's.......... we will play each team 4 times (twice at home & twice on the road).......... We will take a break for Thanksgiving & Christmas............. Regular Season play will begin on October 6th & end on March 2nd............ Each team will make the Playoffs which will begin on March 9th & conclude with the Championship match on March 23rd, unless we need to use an extra week due to weather conditions, but we should be done with the overall season before the State Dartball Tournament........... League fees are still the same - a one-time $80 Team Sponsor fee & a one-time $10 fee from each player regardless of how many times a person plays.............. I will be in touch with a Captain's meeting date next month...............