Wisconsin Dartball
Eleva Dartball League
Upcoming Matches

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League News
Eleva Dartball 24-25
created 09/22/2024 @ 6:35pm by Kyle Konwinski

Dartball starts this Thursday, September 26th at 7:30pm. 

6 Player Minimum

Start Time 7:30

Looking forward to a great season!

Eleva Dartball 2023-2024
created 09/18/2023 @ 10:00am by Kyle Konwinski

Darball Starts This Thursday, Septermber 21st 

2022-2023 Season
created 09/27/2022 @ 5:40am by Kyle Konwinski

Eleva Dartball 2022-23 season begins September 29th at 7:45 at the legion in Eleva! 

We will lock the side door at the legion at 8:00, to prevent people from poking their head in and potentially getting darts thrown at them. 

We're increasing leauge fees to $250 per team this year, due to the increased cost of rent from the legion, as well as additional costs for the leauge. 

The Legion has asked us to be mindful of the following this year:

Sorting recycling from trash, and putting cans in their specified cans

Tear down every week, unless told different - Everything goes in the side room again

Poles for catch cloths can go in the back of the board

Beer and drink prices stay the same for this year

In the event of a snow storm, the leauge management will cancel by 6:00 that evening

New Season
created 09/29/2021 @ 7:48pm by PMueller

Dartball starts Thursday, 9/30.